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Have a donation for the ReStore
but need it picked up?
Call (540) 461-3118 and leave your name, number, address, and details about the item(s) - our staff will help!

Thank you to those who attended Chill on the Hill in 2024!

Raffle Prize Winners:
1st Prize: Heather Paredes, abstract landscape pastel by local artist Ryan Russell
Second Prize: Heather Davis, $25 gift cards to a Habitat ReStore
3rd Prize: Lisa McGuire, Rockbridge Area Habitat Core365 pullover

Summer 2023 Team Builds

Thank you to the Atlantic Union, Bank of Botetourt, CornerStone Bank, and City National Bank teams for coming out to our Greenhouse Village build site in support of our affordable housing mission!
Your time and commitment are appreciated.
Interested in a team build for your business or organization?
Email us at for details!
Mission Statement
​At Rockbridge Area Habitat for Humanity, we believe it is our mission to partner with the community to create safe, affordable housing solutions for individuals and families of limited means and work toward the elimination of substandard housing in Rockbridge County. Putting faith into action, RAHfH brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.
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